I want to configure a Linux box (Pi with Raspbian stretch lite if relevant) so that it boots to a web browser as a GUI, without any desktop environment.
So far I have most of the bits working apart from the actual "do it on boot" bit.
If I boot my Pi, login (at the terminal) then run the following: xinit ~/kiosk-xinit.sh -- :0 vt1 -nocursor -keeptty & .. where kiosk-init.sh contains:
#!/bin/sh DISPLAY=:0.0 xset s noblank DISPLAY=:0.0 xset s off DISPLAY=:0.0 xset -dpms matchbox-window-manager & while true ; do /usr/bin/midori -e Fullscreen -a http://www.google.co.uk done
.. then I get the environment I want.
What I need to achieve is having it do that without me logging in manually and running xinit.
I assume I need to have it autologin (in which case I'd like it to log in as aa user with limited privileges) but my experiments so far have got me nowhere other than a realisation of how little I know about the boot process....
Ideally I want to do this in a way that'll work on generic Linux boxes but for now a Pi-specific option would be a start!