On Wednesday 17 May 2006 21:00, Adam Bower wrote:
Hi Guys,
I just thought I'd drop a quick email to the list just to clarify that the Alug list is a plain text only list but I'm bending the rules a bit for new joiners to the list as I feel it is better to let them participate and get involved with Alug instead of freezing them out straight away.
When we get new people join the list who have a mail held for moderation because it has an html part I am going to let the post through and then mail the new joiner directly asking them to try and post in plain text only. (Obviously if they have posted with html and it has created a massive attachement then I will not allow it to go to the list).
Obviously this isn't set in stone as it's up to the people on the list what we do but I'd like to hear a few opinions of if people think I'm doing the right/wrong thing.
Thanks Adam
I agree - html mail is heinous to look at, but people have had html mail splurged all over everything for so long now, that it's really not their fault.
I suppose the worst thing people can do for advocacy is to roast newcomers with standards fanaticism - although say it as I shouldn't, perhaps.
Seems like KDE is getting better at emulating MS Windows with every release... ;-)
Maybe, but their progress in that regard is slower than other desktops as they've been frittering their time away on developing the software instead of pontificating endlessly about usability guidelines, regressing their feature-base and heavily promoting Microsoft .Net and Microsoft C#.
Still, Gnome's got to be the best at something, I suppose. (miaow!) ;P
By the way, I've never heard of kmail sending HTML mails without some sort of user interaction on the matter..