A couple of months ago I got Asterisk/FreePBX set up on a virtual machine, and it's been functioning fine but I haven't really made the most of it (lack of time). I look at it now and find it has various errors (files it can't write to etc) from the original install, it seems to work OK but I don't really feel it's set up correctly and I don't know what to do about it.[*]
The problem I have with Asterisk that it's way too complex and made more so by the fact that I learn nothing about it in playing with the web interfaces. I am quite happy at the command prompt or editing text files so I am considering a default "apt-get install asterisk" on an Ubuntu box and adding the trunks and extensions manually. Before I do this, is this a crazy stupid idea that's doomed to failure?
I don't want anything complex (a couple of trunks, a couple of extensions which will be Android phones with a SIP or IAX client, a bit of routing between them and voicemail).
Alternatively: I have been looking at the Raspberry Pi Asterisk distros, and wondering whether I should run one of those at home (where I have a 100M Virgin line) with port forwarding to allow the Android phones to reach it (might have fun with routing when they're on the WLAN at home). Give up on learning anything about Asterisk but have something which (hopefully) will just work.
[*] I set up two new VMs last night and tried different fresh CentOS+Asterisk installs following instructions to the letter and still got errors left right and centre. I don't want to install from source (maintenance headache), I just want distro packages that work (otherwise why are they there?)