** samwise samwise@bagshot-row.org [2010-06-25 14:33]:
Sorry, should haev gone to list:
I'd recommend:
OmniFlop (Windows) http://www.shlock.co.uk/Utils/OmniFlop/OmniFlop.htm
or the bootable version of OmniDisk:
They should let you retrieve .adf disc images, provided the discs aren't copy protected and you don't have a machine with a problematic floppy controller.
Jason Watton, the author, is a very helpful chap, if you need support.
** end quote [samwise]
That looks interesting, I've got a stack of disks of various formats I'd like to preserve. Most I've no idea what is on them, but it might be interesting when I get the chance to find out! I'll have to dig out my old 5.25" drive and hook it up, then start archiving the BBC Micro, Apple II and Tandy TRS-80 disks I've got, as well as my Amiga and Atari ones :) There's probably some other formats in there too, but I doubte I'll bother with the couple of 8" disks I've got! Hmm, the 3" ones may be another matter though ;)