On 11/05/13 12:23, (Ted Harding) wrote:
Greetings All!
I have a query. Is there some program which, given a Chess position and which player has the move, can output a (preferably numbered) list of the possible moves for that player in that position?
Ideally, it should be possible to enter the position by placing pieces on an image of the board (and to change the position by moving pieces, e.g., after a move, by making the move).
Frayed knot, but I shall watch this with interest. I used to play every weekday lunchtime, usually with a county player (I only ever beat him once...) and I think the last time I played regularly was in the Greyhound at Tibenham, 20 years ago.
In days of yore every paper had its chess problem, and I haven't seen one in years - I might have to change my paper.
Something to get the Brian ticking again?