** steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk [2014-02-26 14:24]:
On 26/02/14 13:14, Paul Tansom wrote:
Yes I think it did, and I seem to remember importing my main mail into whichever client / server setup I was using at the time I migrated (although that may have been via an IMAP drag and drop as I've been using that setup since the mid 90s). Unfortunatly I used a feature within it that could turn a particular tag, sender or list (Turnpike was doing this sort of thing way before Google!) into a newsgroup (which it also handled), and I think the format used for that was different. I haven't really delved into it properly. I did ask about it on a newsgroup some time ago and got a reply - which has probably expired from the newsgroup cache by now! It's all down to time an priorities, and much like playing with my retro kit this never quite makes it to the top :(
I'd hope that the information would all still be available via Google Groups!
For one day, when you get round to it....
I think that newsgroup files and email files could easily have been in a different format, but, I would expect if it were showing emails like a newsgroup, it was still probably storing them as emails in mbox format, BICBW. There's always the "Suck it and See" approach to find out! :-)
** end quote [steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk]
I didn't manage to find it via the Google groups search, but a quick search on Google itself for "Paul Tansom Turnpike" found it on Narkive and then searching for the exact message subject on Google Groups gets me there:
Now all I need to do is set up an install of Turnpike somewhere, restore my backup, drag and drop back to my inbox (likely one on an IMAP server). So where did I put my Turnpike installer and backups?!
Aha, found a copy of v6.07 and it seems that will install in a 32 bit version of Windows 7, so if I do it before I wipe my machine and reinstall both Windows and Linux with proper 64 bit versions it may save some hassle later - only snag is lack of space, about 100M on my Windows boot and all of 160M on my Linux one (this install has been through about motherboard upgrades without a reinstall so I have treated myself to nice new 2TB HD).