On Sat, 11 Aug 2001 11:36:40 +0100 (BST) Adam Bower wrote:
Hi all,
Linux Expo in Birmingham is just over a month away and I figured that maybe we should organise an Alug outing to it, as I believe this was discussed just after the London Expo.
It was. and it is. there was a Rumour that it had been cancelled, this was put out on the GLLUG mailing list so can't be curtain.
I am planning to go on September the 12th but want to arrive early because there is a keynote conference with Bob Young (Redhat) and also Richard Stallman starting at 10am, this means I may make an arrangement to stay overnight or something.
My hope was to go up the day before by train, camp over night and then go on the 12th so I can see RMS. Side Note: RMS has a lot to say and is a brilliant talker, ecentric and nuts but fanastic, Total Tangent: after RMS did a talk at BTLabs I was lucky enough to get a seat on the same table as him on the train to london, whilst on the train we over heard a discussion between two (media?) students over internet sensership, on hearing this RMS joined in an it was an amuzing debate to watch, whats more after we had left the train I caught up with the (beautiful and female) students and told them who they had just argued with. Boy was their face a picture! Back on topic: In short I highly recommend a RMS talk.
Anyway if you want to pre-register or find out more details visit http://www.linux-expo.com/ also pre-registration has to be done before September the 1st.
Been there done that:o)
I am hoping that lots of people can come and I beleive this will be yet another tribal gathering with some socialising between attending lugs. You never know I may be able to get the 3ft high Tux this time, and we can march through the streets of solihul chanting follow the penguin! :o)
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