Final thought for tonight as I really have stayed up far too late.
All I've been doing is to book a room ocasionally and try to judge the interest. It doesn't matter too much to me if people want to meet once a month or once a year. I don't have a personal stake in this - I'm not Mr Norwich Alug.
At first I thought there would be more enthusiasm for the idea of more meetings on a regular basis and someone willing to get more involved. But if the concensus is that fewer meetings more widely separated is what is best for ALUG then who am I to argue - I'm new to the area and new to linux too and I am very happy to go along with what we've decided.
To recap: regular sunday meetings in Norwich every three months, starting from January. Once we've seen the Billy Bluelight this month then a decison can be taken on the regular venue and I'll make the advance bookings for 2004.
In the meantime, if there is anyone who can book rooms at UEA, please get in touch since many people would prefer them to be held there.