On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 10:17:08AM +0100, Kelly Ash wrote:
I'm not entirely clear on how the file/folder system works in here. Keeping in mind I'm used to using the OTHER OS, is it the same sort of structure? Where are the best/worst places to create folders so that I can remember where things are? Looks like user and home but I'd rather ask before I start trying to add folders etc...
this explains things in a good way, and is most likely at about the correct level (ie not written by a robot :)) http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/
#4 - While reading through the user guide that came with my 'boxed set' and also a book called Teach Yourself Linux in 24 hours (yeah right! *g*). When they go through different steps on how to do things it tells me different commands to type but not where or what I should be in to type them!! It seemed a stupid question so I had my fiance try finding out in the books with no luck, so I'm asking.
yeah look for programs like xterm or rxvt or kterminal anything like that to get you a command prompt, or you can push the key sequence Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2 F3 etc. to get to different command terminals) to get to a console and Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to X-Windows.
OK, guess that's if for today. Hope they aren't silly questions......honestly I am researching but can't get to the answers fast enough, could be just a bit excited and impatient. Maybe.
Ok i have 1 question, who are you logging in as? did you create your own user account when you installed Linux? as if you are logging in as "root" this is a bad idea :) root is the superuser and can install remove software and do lots of other lovely things that can break your computer in just 1 command :)
Anyhow they are perfectly normal questions, just there is a huge amount of things to understand when you come to linux and you will find it a bit overwhelming at first. Anyhow there are no questions too stupid, make sure you do a quick search on google first etc. We are nice to newbies here, we only eat old trolls :)