I finally got to put names/email addresses to faces, which was nice ;)..
Yeah, including these pesky people I haven't seen for a couple of years. ;-)
I wonder who they are ;)..
I have to say that I am jealous of David Freeman, how the hell he managed to aquire a foot high fluffy pengiun I have no idea!! all I managed was an IBM football!
I went to the Linux Expo and all I got was these lousy business cards. Enjoy it those who are going today.
Hey, who's going to the September Birmingham ones?
yup.. I'm also thinking of grabing a tent and going up the night before..
An exhibitor I spoke to said he thought that Brum would have more stands, as they're not charging as much to show there.
that sounds about right.. we (Entora) know several companies who could not afford to go to the london expo, but are going to the Birmingham one...
Also, I believe the Free Software Foundation Europe UK affiliate *may* be launched/announced there. If you want more info on FSFE-UK, ask me now and I'll dig it out.
mmhhh interesting.. keep me informed of this... Sz