On 22/05/12 12:16, James Bensley wrote:
This same problem drives me insane. I use mp3gain (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/mp3gain.1.html) which has a graphical front end if you prefer, called easymp3gain (http://sourceforge.net/projects/easymp3gain/).
This awesome tool can gain all your tracks to the same level. It's not perfect and it's obviously not going to completely flatten the dynamics of the song/track but will certainly set an upper limit (and raise up some of the quiter patches) to a give a more consistent level (this is what I find anyway).
I thought the idea of mp3gain was to put a selection of separate files at the same subjective volume level ?
What it sounds like Mark needs is some dynamic compression or peak normailisation actually within the individual tracks rather than bringing all tracks to the same level...I am not sure mp3gain can do that.
I thought it just twiddled with the replaygain metadata, that's a per track thing not a mid track thing and will require re-encoding the file.