On 07-Sep-03 James Edward John Taylor wrote:
Sorry, am having probelms at the moment re my computer turns into german when i use linux via vmware zet everzthing else is ok. So I apologise for and y and z that i mix up throught this email.
If you poke around in the VMware installation tree you may find a clue. In my VMware on Linux, there is a directory
which contains files
. chde101 de101 es101 fr101 is101 jp106 pt101 us101 .. chde104 de104 es104 fr104 is104 jp109 pt104 us104 be101 chfr101 dk101 fi101 gb101 it101 no101 se101 be104 chfr104 dk104 fi104 gb104 it104 no104 se104
so in principle you should be able to set up an English (UK or in the limit US) keyboard map in the virtual machine. (I infer from what you say that your native OS is something different from Linux and Linux is a "guest" OS when you run VMware).
Alternatively, check that your Linux keyboard map is correct: For the console, you should look under /usr/lib/kbd/keytables, and also check out 'man loadkeys'.
For X11, your X configuration should set this up, but in any case you can look into it by looking at the file XF86Config (probably to be found as /etc/XF86Config but could be elsewhere, or indeed apparently in several places but really only in one, the rest being symbolic links -- check this).
Fairly early in the XF86Config file is a 'Section "Keyboard"' which offers barious ways (read the comments) to set up your keyboard; you will probably want to have a line
XkbLayout "uk"
as well possibly as some of the other options.
However, I'm not at all sure how these things work out through the triple layer of alien OS/VMWare/Linux/X!
Hope this helps! Ted.