On Monday 08 December 2003 11:18, Dave Briggs wrote:
Thanks for all your comments. I have another quick question, though it is more a matter of taste than anything...
Since I am leaving my job at the University shortly, I want to get myself sorted with a new permanent email addy, and want to register a domain name. The one I wanted was to be ww.tyndale.net, or some other acceptable suffix. I like the name as it's firstly the name of the street where I live, I like the historical connection, and it's also a nice short word. dave@tyndale.net - sounds lovely, doesn't it?
Trouble is, the only suffixes free are .info or (ugh) .biz. The latter is deffo out, but I am totally undecided as to whether tyndale.info is any good or not. If I decide not, then it's straight back to the drawing board...
Does anyone have opinions on this? I could do with some ideas....
tyndale.me.uk is also available. And I believe the .eu domain is now accepting registrations.
-- GT