On 19/08/10 00:55, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
Hi Gurus!
I've been given a Netgear SC101 which I'm intending to use for backups. I found a post somewhere about how to mount it, and I have mounted it, or at least I thought I had until I rebooted and it was no-longer mounted.
If it helps anyone, what I did was: Found a windows machine. Downloaded the latest windows driver and the latest firmware for the machine from:
Installed the software on the Windows machine. Use the software to update the firmware. Use the software to create a partition on the drive on the drive. (As I recall, I had to "Assign a drive letter", which took me to the create a partition page. One the partition was created, I then option to "release a drive letter" (or whatever it was called)). Now finished with the windows machine; you can uninstall the software if required.
On Ubuntu, I downloaded and installed the .deb package from http://code.google.com/p/sc101-nbd/downloads/list
and following stuff from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87480&page=2 I did
sudo ut listall <- lists the available partitions sudo modprobe nbd <- Inserts the driver module sudo ut attach [id] /dev/nbd0 <- Attaches the partition to /dev/nbd0 <- [id] is from the ut list results
On a whim, I decided to use ext4 rather than ext2
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/nbd0 <- formats the partition as ext4 sudo mount /dev/nbd0 /mnt/mountpoint <- Mounts the partition for use
I added ndb to the file /etc/modules so that ndb would be loaded on every boot.
I then used the info on this page: http://wiki.zeropain.com/index.php/SC101/Mount_Helper
I added an entry to my fstab file [id] /mnt/mountpoint ut _netdev,defaults,noatime,nodiratime,noexec 0 0
Where [id] is the drive's ID from "ut listall" The _netdev means that the drive is only mounted once the network is up. I added the noatime and nodiratime to speed up the drive; I'm not bothered about access times being recorded on this drive. I added noexec because nothing will be executed on this drive.
I then added the script from the zeropain webpage which handles the actual mounting.
Bob's then your uncle.
Hope this may help someone!
This page also provided useful information http://www.dknss.com/data/sc101-nbd-init/sc101-gfs-howto/
Cheers Steve