This is another question about my raw printer. The following command works perfectly:
cat temprint.txt > /dev/usb/lp0
and I've managed to get the hex characters going over to it to operate the cutter and to open the cash drawer.
The printer is set up in CUPS as raw, queue raw. Its connected using one of those usb to parallel adaptors - usb at the PC and parallel at the printer.
However, there is one remaining flaw. It only seems to work if the printer itself is powered on at startup of the pc. Why? Is there a shell command I can execute that will do whatever it is that is done at startup to get the system to know that the printer is there? And how would you test for whether this has been done?
I have in mind, when the system is started, check to see if they have the printer turned on, if not beep at them, tell them to turn it on, then when they click the button saying, OK its on now, execute whatever this shell command is....