On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 11:52:55AM +0000, Brett Parker wrote:
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 10:03:23AM +0000, Christopher Dawkins wrote:
Are there any mature and easy to use software development environments for Web/Database programming?
I reckon PHP/MySQL but that may be only because that's as far as I have gone.
And if you're using PHP then you're going to want Smarty - which isn't as common. That and PHP being by far the worst language I've ever had the misfortune of writing, and is a complete nightmare to debug, and has a non-threadsafe design, and forces the choice of apache2 mpm because of that (if you're planning on running mod_php, that is).
PHP is something that now doesn't go on any machines that I have control over - there is only *one* machine at work with PHP on it, and that's because a colleage decided that mediawiki was the wiki engine to use before I got there.
The whole 'architecture' (if you can call it that) of anything like PHP, HTML and even XML makes me think of the worst excesses of Basic in times gone by. We have all these wonderful structured and/or object oriented systems and then promptly avoid using them!
I still find C (and with it Java in the main) one of the very easiest languages to program.