Hi, RH 7.X auto installs iptables (the 'firewall' option is auto-selected for RPM when you run the install) and comes with a nice config tool which autoruns first time after install and is thereafter accessible throught the Gnome/KDE system menus.
I get the error message: ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel. The kernel I am using is 2.4.10 and I am wondering if this error message
hinting that ipchains has now been superseded.
As others have said IPChains can be enabled but I would say using ipchains under a 2.4 kernel is not the best way to go anyway. IPTables is a much more solid implementation, more efficient at capturing packets and applying rules. More complex true but arguably easier to configure.
Snort IDS is also good to have but a decent processor machine with plenty of RAM is a must because although Snort is very efficient packet logging and rule parsing is quite intensive and does hit performance. However for a standalone machine snort is not that difficult to setup - just add your machine details to snortfull.conf (which is well commented) restart snort and you're good to go. snortfull.conf contains many pre-set packet matching rules (and is regularly updated as new exploits arise and new rules are developed to detect them) and the snort website/mailing list abounds with good info. The snort list is also very helpful to newbies (I have found).
That way you end up with a good stateful firewall and detection of any attempted misdemeanors. And all for the cost of a little time. Free Software - don't you just love it!!.
£0.02 Regards Earl
[earl.brannigan@lindenhouse.co.uk] www.lindenhouse.co.uk Intellectual : Someone who can spend a whole day locked in a room with a tea cosy without once thinking of trying it on. Highbrow : Someone who can listen to the entire William Tell Overture without once thinking of the Lone Ranger.