Hi Ricardo
Things may vary on Debian, but... If your XF86Config is OK or you have a backup, just create a symlink /etc/X11/X to point to the X-server /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_S3 if ou have 3.3.6 installed.
Regards, Paul.
On Wednesday 22 May 2002 23:40, Ricardo Campos wrote:
2nd, it (rather predictably) screwed my X configuration. It seems that X4.1.0 no longer supports the S3 server. (mine's a S3 trio 64+ to be exact). However, dpkg -l shows that I have two xserver-common packages, one 3.3.6, one 4.1.0 . the xserver-s3 package is still version 3.3.6, as is xserver -vga. There may be others, since I cannot dpkg -l | more !