Dave Crisp wrote:
Easter IS complicated, but the following Perl function gives a correct date for any year in the Gregorian calendar. The associated holidays are then the previous Friday and the following Monday.
Thanks for that - easy to convert to PHP if I go that route.
The other holidays are easy to compute: the first and last Mondays in May, the last Monday in August, and Dec 25/26 and Jan 1 (or the next non-holiday weekday if these fall at the weekend)
I hadn't realised it was that "simple". This might be a good way to do it - thanks.
(Ted Harding) wrote:
How far ahead are you thinking of planning for? There are only eight per year for England, so a 3-year look-ahead would take up a couple of dozen lines in a file which you could look up with a little 'awk' or similar script
A small look-up table like this did cross my mind - as you say the table will be short enough and the information is readily available to populate the table.
This gives me two fairly distinct but equally good ways forward, maybe I need to find a spare coin to toss!