Dragging up an old thread, a quick summary: Royal Mail create a pricing sheet which is absolutely useless for printing. You can see the original here: https://www.royalmail.com/sites/default/files/royal-mail-our-prices-25-march...
A couple of years ago, with a lot of help here, I managed to reformat it to something useful thus: sudo apt install texlive-extra-utils pdfjam Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf '1-15' --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile ~/temp.pdf
However the PDF format has changed and I'm stuck again.
Part of the issue is that the first and last pages are different dimensions (and there's only 9 pages now). But I have got something useful with: pdfjam royal-mail-our-prices-25-march-2019-46305575.pdf '3-8' --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x2 --outfile nice.pdf
But that gets me everything onto one A4 sheet so you need very good eyes to read it.
If you repeat the above exercise you'll see that the result would naturally split down the middle to create 2xA4, but that means splitting some pages in half. But I'm not really fussy as long as I'm not wasting lots of paper with whitespace with some content dumped in the middle of it. Anyone with more PDF layout skills fancy trying to get something more useful than I have achieved?