On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 10:28:17AM +0000, Laurie Brown wrote:
Chris Green wrote:
I think I've found what I want (someone recommended it earlier actually), knoda for kde is it.
All I have to do know is work out what I need to install to get it to work (I don't run kde).
This should give you a clue! On a gentoo machine with USE flags specifying no X:
vs4 etc # emerge -p knoda
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild N ] net-dns/libidn-0.3.7 [ebuild N ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15.0 [ebuild N ] net-nds/portmap-5b-r8 [ebuild N ] app-admin/fam-2.7.0-r2 [ebuild N ] media-gfx/graphviz-1.10 [ebuild N ] app-doc/doxygen-1.3.8 [ebuild N ] kde-base/kde-env-3-r3 [ebuild N ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.16 [ebuild N ] app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r4 [ebuild N ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.3 [ebuild N ] x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9-r2 [ebuild N ] x11-base/opengl-update-1.8.1-r1 [ebuild N ] x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1 [ebuild N ] app-arch/rpm2targz-9.0-r2 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/utempter- [ebuild N ] x11-terms/xterm-196 [ebuild N ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.4 [ebuild N ] media-libs/giflib-4.1.0-r3 [ebuild N ] media-libs/libungif- [ebuild N ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.3 [ebuild N ] kde-base/kdelibs-3.3.1 [ebuild N ] dev-db/hk_classes-0.7 [ebuild N ] dev-db/knoda-0.7
Thanks Laurie! I was just thinking I should find out what emerge would do for me.