On 8 September 2010 10:07, Mark Rogers mark@quarella.co.uk wrote:
I am trying it out on a large project, which is on a server (in my office) to which I have only SSH access, or access to the files via Samba. I ran a merge (which took quite while) and now need handle the conflicts.
Ok, first, you've got to stop thinking of Git in terms of Subversion. It's not a centralised SCM.
buy-in to using it). However, if I access the files over the samba share and run "git status" it takes a while (10 mins?), presumably because my local git is having to deal with a lot of traffic over the network.
Second - drop Samba for this - it's not needed and seems to give you overheads.
For a visual Git merge tool, I am sure there are some, but I've only ever ran P4Merge, which may be a Windows-only thing - not sure.
What you want to do is have git access over ssh, then clone your repository (initially, then pull from then on) onto your local machine. Git status should then be very fast because all the files are on your local machine.
Do your work, commit, diff, poke about, whatever. Then when you are ready, 'git push' to your server over ssh.
I think the community Git book tells you how to do the ssh+git stuff, so take a look at that first. See http://book.git-scm.com/ for more info.
http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-clone.html has a section on protocols supported.