Hi Ricardo
I have a veritable collection of RedHat distros from 5.2 up to the current 7.2. Whilst not recommending the 5.2 or 6.x series for new installations, they do fit on to one standard CD. The 7.x series span two discs, and would take a fair bit of foward planning to get some ready for distribution. I have a master image of the RedHat 7.2 distro on this machine complete with a number of updated packages and a 2.4.16 kernel - I can either burn a small number of my bastadised RH7.2, or replace anaconda with the original for a "standard" RH7.2 distro. Having sorted out the RH scripts, I can respin a new distro an the fly, so if anyone has a few extras/updates to add (James ??) just let me know.
Regards, Paul.
On Saturday 06 April 2002 12:56, Ricardo Campos wrote:
Plenty of us could put the first CD of (insert distro's name here) on a CD-R, and there's plenty of Debians CD's bandying about. Perhaps we could do a 3 disc pack for a small fee- like 1 Debian, 1 Redhat, 1 Slackware, just so that we present an offer of several distros so people can try them out. (I'm all for choice rather than forcing 1 distro on a newbie)