----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Royal" simonroyal@live.co.uk To: main@lists.alug.org.uk Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:15 PM Subject: [ALUG] Xubuntu Or Ubuntu
I am loving linux. After 10 years as a Mac only fan. A few months ago I bought a 1ghz Samsung laptop and ran Ubuntu on it.
I loved it. The laptop died shortly after that and I got a Thinkpad 600 and running Xubuntu on it.
I chose Xubuntu as it is only a P2 300mhz and was under the impression it was lighter than Xubuntu.
After numerous threads it seems Xubuntu in fact is heavier on CPU usage and RAM than Ubuntu.
So as I intend to stick with this ThinkPad for a while would there be any benefit in installing Ubuntu on it instead of Xubuntu.
You could try Lubuntu http://lubuntu.net/ instead. Much lighter, uses LXDE Desktop Environment