On Tuesday 04 May 2004 09:08, Ted Harding wrote:
From time to time I have problems with mails taking a long time (several hours, occasionally 2-3 days) to reach some mailing lists.
Inspection of the headers when the mails finally arrive shows pretty unambiguously that btinternet have sat on them for that time. I have no clue why this happens. When it does hapen, it tends to happen in clusters.
I have had a few problems like this with BT, there seems to be a lack of consistent behaviour across their server pool.
Recently I had a problem with a client (who had a mail setup that sent mail from a different domain to that of the reply/sender address), they were getting mails sent to me (on BTinternet at work) rejected due to an invalid domain. Yet only about 50% of the mails were rejected the others got through.
Also I have had similar problems at work where sometimes the BT mail relays will not let me send as our website domain (hosted at ghoulnet) and then later would. Fortunately I found a form you can fill in on the BT website to correct that.
I have a feeling that BT are experimenting with several spam and virus propergation prevention measures. Be nice if they told us beforehand though.