Trouble is, the only suffixes free are .info or (ugh) .biz. The latter is deffo out, but I am totally undecided as to whether is any good or not. If I decide not, then it's straight back to the drawing board...
Does anyone have opinions on this? I could do with some ideas....
Depends what you need but if your needs are simple then have a look at One and One - not free but very cheap e.g .net is nine quid a year to register, hosting from a fiver a month. Or an email only service if you don't need webhosting for seven quid a year. Even without this, the basic domain registration package includes an email address and loads of aliases but may not have webmail access.
Also their hosting packages allow more than one domain within the same package i.e. you pay for the space not per domain. Very handy if you want several domains very cheaply.
Otherwise, you've probably had a few offers in email to choose from :-) Don't forget that Black Cat Networks is an alug sponsor.