On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 12:23:09PM +0100, Earl Brannigan wrote:
Hi all, Following a few late nights I fianlly have a nice debian 2.2r3 installation. Quite pleased as it goes. However it is not without a number of difficulties so if anyone can offer any input I'd be very grateful.
Not sure OTTOMH about the others, but hopefully the below will help.
2)I can only run X as root. If i try to run it as a general user I get error "User is not authorised to Run XServer". I have checked the permissions on all of the binaries I know of and they all have lowest order execute bit set (I haven't changed them - that is how they were installed). Is there an X Setting I'm missing?
startx doesn't work? I don't remember having to set anything to get this to work.
- I have libjpeg installed but I cannot display jpeg images. If i attempt
to open one in electric eyes - nothing, gimp - nothing, mozilla - the jpeg info (but not the image...). I dunno.
Wierd. No idea about this one. "display <jpeg>" doesn't work? (That's from imagemagick)
- Kernel Compile : thought it would pay to do a kernel compile instead,
specifying the modules I need and get around things that way. So, make xconfig was fine, found a useful sound driver among other things, make bzImage dies when compiling boot.c. Error : as86 command not found, the makefile for the relevant directory specifies AS86=as86. I have no program called as86, changing it to 'as' gives another error : as - unknown option -O (which suggests to me that I am missing a binary called as86, does anyone know anything about this or how do i find which package has this binary. I have had no luck finding anything called as86!
apt-get install bin86
should help.