hda5: bad access: block=128 count=2 end_request: I/O error, dev 03:05 (hda), sector 128 read_super_block: unable to read superblock on dev 03:05 read_old_super_block: try to find super block in old location hda5: bad access: block=16, count=8 end_request: I/O error, dev 03:05 (hda), sector 16 read_old_super_block: unable to read superblock on dev 03:05 mount: error 22 mounting reiserfs flags
Are you sure it's meant to be on hda5? Other than that, this says to me that there is something to do with ReiserFS (i.e. it messed up the unmounting)- hence why ME can boot and linux cannot. perhaps boot onto a gnu floppy like Tomsrtbt http://www.toms.net/rb/ and fsck hda5, although I'm not sure if it supports reiserfs, since I do not use Reiserfs myself.
Ok, so it's a stab in the dark.... Ricardo