I'd ruled this out because I was expecting it to cause overly nasty disruption to mouse movement, however it is nowhere near as bad as I'd expected, even set to reload every 2 seconds, but i'm trying another mouse at the moment, which *seems* to be working (so far)
Thanks! Rob.
On 7/22/06, Richard Lewis richardlewis@fastmail.co.uk wrote:
On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 22:03:32 +0000, "Rob Page" page.rob@gmail.com said:
Unloading and reloading the usbhid module gets it working again, but this is an absolute pain. Also, killing X also gets it working again...
Anyone have any idea what I can do to make it work?
What about a cron job which reloads the usbhid module once a minute? ;-)
Richard Lewis Sonic Arts Research Archive http://www.sara.uea.ac.uk/ JID: ironchicken@jabber.earth.li -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-