On 14/11/16 14:48, Bill Hill wrote:
while true; do ( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M" ; iwlist wlan0 scan | egrep "Channel:" ) > $(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log ; sleep 300 ; done for ((i=1;i<14;i++)); do printf "Channel:%02d = " $i ; ( grep "Channel:$i" *.log | wc -l ) ; done
Nice script! Interesting to note, I just moved to systemd: here it's not called wlan0 any more (it's wlp2s0, in my case at least).
I know channels 1,6&11 are the non-overlapping ones, but isn't this a bit...skewed???!? (Now off auto-selected Channel 1, thanks Netgear, and manually set to Channel 9).
A quick check around me here in Diss gets similar results. Channel 48 is popular too in the 5GHz range. I would guess it's programmed in the router firmware, particularly BT gear as that's what almost all the networks around me are. Apparently the 1 - 6 - 11 rule is not hard-and-fast and you may benefit from using a different channel (as you did).