I just released there is an ALUG meeting planned for next weekend at UEA. Is this still going ahead? Who's planning to attend?
I'll be there, but what are we doing? I think the room in question has a number of small tables, so we can probably have some small talks on particular topics as well as the normal "kit rush". People who are interested in the talks can just sit down while the rest of them use kit on one edge of the room. Sounds OK?
Owen, are you doing a talk? I'd quite like to talk to some people about the plans for Free Software in this country. What time shall we aim to start the talks at? 1430?
I'm travelling from King's Lynn, as always, and probably setting off just after noon. If anyone reasonably near the main routes wants transport to/from, please email me privately. Three seats available.
On 19-Nov-01 MJ Ray wrote:
Sounds like a plan.
Yes I do Although I seem to be falling behind in my preparations for the talk about interprocess comunication. (Got bogged down finding the falts of my use of non blocking I/O handeling and how files and pipes do/dont differ) still writtern the first part of the talk about signals. ( best to start simple before I confuse my self ) Next I think I shall do pipes and then efficiant pipe polling dont know if I shall get that far down the list of Interprocess comunication but I will try.
Better get back to it all
Owen Synge
PS anyone been to Norwich Libary reacently, thier seem to be loads of Linux books in now, I got out a 5Kg of books and desided I had to impose a weight limit. Maybe thier are more Linux users about than we know/think.
Date: 19-Nov-01 Time: 15:16:35