If there are any ALUG members on the mailing list who have managed to get an nVidia GeForce 2 MX400 video card working with Debian 2.2r4 could they please let me know what settings they used for XF86Setup.
I could never get it to work with that version of X. (I think it's 3.3.6).
However, Debian 3.0 has been released and it just works fine with X4.1.0. I'd highly recommend an upgrade to Debian 3.0, I could then send you my XF86Config-4 file. (I have the exact same card). The driver you want is "nv", although you can get proprietary drivers from nvidias website (although debian 3 has apt-gettable versions), which uses the "nvidia" driver, and also (regrettably) patches the kernel (so you need your kernel source handy).
I upgraded over the weekend from 2.2r3 to 3.0 using a dialup. (took friday night until I came home from pub, and sat morning).
For the debian release details, www.debianplanet.org has a good collection of links and mentions new X setup tools. (I haven't used them, though).
On Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:01 AM, Ricardo Campos wrote:
I could never get it to work with that version of X. (I think it's 3.3.6).
However, Debian 3.0 has been released and it just works fine with X4.1.0. I'd highly recommend an upgrade to Debian 3.0 ...
I have sent an email to Adam Bower asking him to reserve me a CD. Yes it would probably make sense for me to upgrade / reinstall now while I am still new to Debian before I start installing and configuring things in earnest as it will probably make things easier later on.
... I could then send you my XF86Config-4 file. (I have the exact same card).
Thanks Ricardo, any help in getting me up and going would be appreciated.