In response to a comment made by Noodles @ FC last night, I have some motherboards up for grabs/trade - These are all bare, i.e. no memory, no CPU, and no manuals.
Asus P5P800 for Intel skt 775. supports dual SATA drives..
MSI K8N Neo for AMD64 skt 939 - quad SATA drives & RAID..
pcChips M871G for AMD Athlon 64/Sempron skt 754 - dual SATA..
pcChips M863AG for AMD Athlon XP/Sempron..[with manual]
ECS KN1 Extreme Lite - for AMD64 skt 939 - dual SATA..[with manual]
Regards, Paul.
P.S. Got a couple of processors kicking around, so *might* end up using two of the above boards to upgrade my server(s).