* From: Mark J Ray h089@uea.ac.uk
Not a daft question at all!
This group isn't for magi or gurus only. We need everyone to be involved, from those "just looking" at Linux, who want a bit of a hand as they install it and set it up for the first time, right the way through to the experienced ones who are responsible for keeping Linux-based servers running 24/24 7/7. (We need the latter to help the former too.)
The main aim of this group is to provide a physical Linux community for this region. I think we're all going to learn some new things. Just look at Andrew's suggested timetable for the first meeting. Just look at the mailing list archive ( http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h089/alug/list/ ) to see the range as people have introduced themselves.
And, even though we mention the newsgroup, we're not against helping out with Linux on the list if we can, are we folks?
So come on Paul, follow Martyn's instructions and join the new list with us! Look forward to seeing you next month.