I have an .htaccess rule so:
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !beenthere-donethat.org.uk$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(folder/colchester1.html)$ /folder/tempredir.php?page=$1 [R=302,L]
The second line has been wrapped by the mailer but it is actually all on one line.
That doesn't work. If I ask for http://www.beenthere-donethat.org.uk/folder/colchester1.html then that is what I get. No redirection. What am I doing wrong?
I do have other rules in .htaccess which all work normally.
What I'm trying to achieve is this - I want, eventually, to redirect all pages to the tempredir page with a link on that page which will then take the vistor to the page they requested originally.
I don't want any visitor to be redirected yet until I've finished testing so I've put a page (colchester1.html) in a sub-directory that visitors do not normally visit so that I can test it first.
I would test it locally on my home version of the site but, for some reason, redirection on my home computer won't work at all even though the Apache module is enabled.