There has been a bit of discussion regarding these Tabletop Internet radios at Alug Meets and on IRC (mostly as Currys are selling them at £40 at the moment which is quite a bargain)
Noodles talked me into buying one at the last ALUG social (it didn't take a lot of effort)
For those that don't know the IR100 is a mains powered standalone radio (there is also another version that is designed to plug into a Hifi) that links up via wireless and can stream internet radio stations or play mp3's located on a SMB share.
Initially I was quite disappointed to discover that they fall over if scanning shared folders with more than 5000 tracks in them (I have more like 25,000). However gmediaserver v0.12.0 appears to work perfectly with them and also gives you the advantage of faster track access/navigation at the expense of some of the search functionality offered when you use SMB share access.
The device is not on the gmediaserver compatibility list (I have just sent them a compatibility report so hopefully it will be soon) so I thought it would be worth mentioning that it works here