On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 03:14:29PM +0100, Anthony Anson wrote:
I have just come back from work and found this thread. Joy.
I have sent a further warning to Krishna about being on topic and not upsetting members. Krishna's account is now set that all posts will have to be approved by the list administrators now before they can go the list and I have explained that seeking a way around this will result in a permanent ban. I don't believe that seeking an outright ban is the way forward in this situation, people can learn from their mistakes and when I see mail that contributes to this list from Krishna then I will remove the moderation flag from their email address.
I think other members have quite rightly pointed out what the problems are here.
Please be nice to each other kids.
Thanks Adam
On 22 June 2011 20:01, Adam Bower adam@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
As the other list admin I would like to point out that I wholeheartedly support Adam here.
Cheers, BJ
Further to the earlier email, I have now removed Krishna/Meeku from being able to post on this list.
The reasons for this is forwarding the following post to the list
which is quite frankly unwarranted and unwelcome behaviour for this list quite simply as they didn't approach the list admins to speak about this problem rather than claiming we've banned them (we hadn't, just put them onto moderation, well, I have now).
Oh, yeah, one other thing...
For the time being all new subscribers to the mailing list will need approval from a list admin before they can join and post.
Thanks Adam
On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 22:24:22 +0100 Adam Bower adam@thebowery.co.uk allegedly wrote:
Sensible policy.
Mick ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The text file for RFC 854 contains exactly 854 lines. Do you think there is any cosmic significance in this?
Douglas E Comer - Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 1
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc854.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------
On 22/06/11 23:09, mick wrote:
I agree it may be a sensible policy in the short term. IMHO FWIW as an occasional poster, I don't think it's a particularly friendly or welcoming practice unless you can give people approval to join the list pretty promptly.
Imagine a prospective new member, signs up, posts "Hi, I'm new. I live in EA. Anyone know where I can get a linux PC in EA?". If the message doesn't appear the same day, I don't think they'll bother asking anything again.
My 2p. YMMV! :-)
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:46:17PM +0100, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
Don't worry too much, new joiners to the list will be processed at least once a day (more than likely first thing in the morning and in the evening is going to happen).
Given that I mostly ignore the moderation queue unless it has an incorrectly trapped message in it or a post from a new member in which case I'll deal with it straight away. If it's a long term list member who has sent html or similar I'll ignore it for a few hours to make people try and resolve the problem themselves. I'll remove the restriction on new joiners at some point in the future too just protecting the list for the time being.
On 22 Jun 22:19, Adam Bower wrote:
Personally, I love:
"These professional salaried / fee-earning banners are not honest."
Damn, I didn't realise that we paid our list admins, I must get me in to that gig! Oh, no, wait - we don't. Actually, I'm not aware of a single part of ALUG that isn't standing up by the generosity of it's members.
And, erm, I'm wondering which bit we weren't honest about.
On 22 June 2011 22:19, Adam Bower adam@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
This is the right thing to do. However I do think that this is a little sad, it is the first time we have banned anyone isn't it?
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 12:04:25AM +0100, John Woodard wrote:
This is the right thing to do. However I do think that this is a little sad, it is the first time we have banned anyone isn't it?
I think in the past one other person got put onto moderation for fuelling a flame war and then they unsubscribed themselves when this happened. Also, we've certainly had to ban a couple of people on the irc channel over the years.
On 23 June 2011 08:04, Adam Bower adam@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
IRC is more understandable, I didn't realise we had put someone on moderation before, must have missed that one. All in all this is a fairly well behaved list as long as we all "play nice".
Cheers, BJ
I agree with the action taken to remove the user as IMO it was not spamming per se but someone recklessly searching for help from anyone that would give it, even where it wasn't relevant [i.e. here]. Posting to so many mailing lists as they did seems to me simply abusive.
Never mind ay.
Bah! Sorry Adam - forgot to change target. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Adam Bower wrote:
Please be nice to each other kids.
As the late great Tim Cole (late CEO of Zetnet and origial writer of its software) used to say - "Play nicely together, children."
I really miss that man.
The Paul Martin mentioned maintained a Debian mirror there, as was and is, a Debian developer.
Indeed, it is that same Paul Martin who uplifted my Lenny to Squeeze, preventing me from misleading those contributing to Ted's thread on how to do the job...