Well, read the subject, I've just changed e-mail address and changed all my subscription details, so now I'm testing to see if it all works as it should ;)
On 25 Jul 2001 11:21:38 +0100, Brett Parker wrote:
now I'm testing to see if it all works as it should ;)
<aol>me too!</aol>
Actually, I've just switched to Evolution, as I was getting fed up with mutt's misbehaviour. I have to say, I'd thoroughly recommend it to anyone looking for a decent GUI Outlook-style mail client. Aside from a few annoying crashes (hey, it *is* beta), it's a very nice package.
I particularly like the absurdly easy to configure mail filtering. Goodbye procmail, you won't be missed!
A. -- Mind you, I haven't figured out how to set up signatures yet...
I also highly recommend Sylpheed (http://sylpheed.good-day.net) or even Mulberry (http://www.cyrusoft.com) as decent mail clients. Mulberry is still a tad buggy, but it's like the swiss army knife of mail clients.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew John Savory" a.savory@btinternet.com To: "Brett Parker" brettparker@linuxfreemail.com Cc: alug@stu.uea.ac.uk Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:01 PM Subject: Re: [Alug] test message
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