Hi Lugs
I was amazed how easy it is to set up Nextcloud on a Raspberry Pi using the NextcloudPi image (once I'd bought a bigger SD card). It works even on a first generation Pi but some things are slow, login via the web, moving around directories and apps. I've just bought a new Pi4 which I assume will be a lot faster but I already have about 50GB of files on an external HD attached to the original Pi. It took a long time to put them there and I'd rather like to avoid doing it again.
Does anyone have experience of attaching an external drive with existing data to a new Pi?
During installation of NextcloudPi there's an option to use external (USB) storage but it assumes a new disk and formats it. No good in my case. If I decline that and just set up on SD card how hard is it to mount an HD later without losing the data already on it?
Thanks to everyone who replied with advice, in the end I gave up trying to save the data already on the disk and set it up from scratch. The new Pi is so much faster it didn't take long to re-copy anyway. Also, thanks to the case fan it doesn't overheat and crash like the last one when handling a lot of file transfers.
Phil Thane
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