From: Mike Morton Sent: 15 March 2005 13:36
I've got my home machine, which has fristrated me by being apparently un-Linuxable. What is most galling is that 98 works fine. I'd love to bring it along if anybody feels like a challenge.
It's no fun being 'fristrated' - really makes your eyes water :o)
Have you tried booting from a live linux CD (e.g. knoppix. gnoppix, etc)?
I've also got a coffee machine in my office I could bring if a supply of free tasty caffeinated beverage would be appreciated.
We in ALUG can resist anything, apart from temptation! :o)
Keith ____________ APPEAL, v.t. - In law, to put the dice into the box for another throw. - Ambrose Bierce - The Devil's Dictionary