I am looking for a way to display information from an sqlite3 database on web pages in the sort of way that a 'report generator' provides.
I.e. I want to be able to have breaks and indents in the report with sub-headings etc. with the breaks being set by changes in the data.
For example I might have weekly timesheet information and I want it output with weekly and/or monthly sub-totals:-
Week 1 ------
Day Job Hours Monday ABC 1.5 XYZ 6.5 Tuesday ABC 8 Wednesday XYZ 8 Thursday AAA 7 XYZ 1 Friday ABC 6
38 (Maybe the totals for ABC, XYZ, etc. here too)
Week 2 ------
... and so on. It's pretty standard report writer stuff but I can't find anything that does it for web output. There are full blown application frameworks that can maybe do it but they are rather lower level than I want as the database already exists and is created by other tools. I just want a configurable report writer. Open Office can do some of what I want but it's clumsy with sqlite3 and I'm not sure if it can produce an HTML version of the report.