A pretty disappointing response that you got. Looking at the relevant page of the 2004/5 budget yields little (http://www.norfolk.gov.uk/council/departments/finance/Budget%20Book%202004_ 2005.pdf - page 20 of the pdf).
You could always try asking the Education and Cultural Services Scrutiny Review Panel (http://www.norfolk.gov.uk/council/committees/papers/schedules/education_cul tural.htm) to have a look into this for you. It might make a difference if it came from ALUG as an organisation. Both MJ and I know a bit about Scrutiny, though from rather different perspectives ;-).
Dave Briggs wrote:
Well, I don't know much about scrutiny committees, but I've put what I do know about West Norfolk's ones online at http://www.thewalks.co.uk/democracy.html#council http://www.thewalks.co.uk/democracy.html#panels
They mostly suggest things to cabinet or full council, depending on the issue. It seems that they can be used to develop and review long-term strategy (usually through themed committees), or they can be used to involve the public in democracy (usually through geographic area committees).
It's very tricky to do both and West Norfolk's ones almost exclusively work on the long-term and there are no area committees, so there's no civil way to challenge the RAMPANT DENIAL about current problems like the HEAPS of RUBBISH sat in our streets and dykes for days on end. (Yes, I'm still annoyed at hearing the councillor responsible say that there are no problems with refuse collection, then walking home up the middle of the street because of the refuse blocking the path.) The only West Norfolk committee which seems very good (Regeneration and Environment) also seems to be getting increasing "backchat" from the power-holding Cabinet.
It looks like Norfolk County Council are also going the same way, with many more themed committees and the two small area committees "under review". The best chance you have is that they are supposed to report your correspondence to them at the start of the meeting and if you keep raising an issue, someone might notice and ask to review it, but it's a steep uphill struggle. Far better to find a responsive councillor in your area and work with them, if you can.
Would anyone object to a letter from named ALUGgers, posted here for comments and expressions of support, being sent to Norfolk CC?
I have no objection - please add my name to the list.