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3 messages in this digest: Dial up dilema... Re: [alug] Dial up dilema... Re: [alug] PHP complile probs
=== MESSAGE 1 === Subject: Dial up dilema... From: "Stu" Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 01:44:20 -0000
Got this from a friend can any one suggest a good place to look....??? Cheers Stu
hiya, and thanks for helping out I really appreciate it. I have tried millions of combinations now for all the kppp settings in kde and still the same error is coming up:-
"The pppd daemon died unexpectedly"
The debug file reports the folowing:-
"localhost pppd[625] The remote system is required to authenticate itself but localhost pppd [625] counldnt find any secret (password) which would let it use an IP address."
I have tried a manual login script as well and the same error occurs. I also used the terminal button in the modem device setup and called the speaking clock so I know the modem works.
=== MESSAGE 2 === Subject: Re: [alug] Dial up dilema... From: Dermot Musgrove Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:52:30 +0000
Stu wrote:
Got this from a friend can any one suggest a good place to look....??? Cheers Stu
hiya, and thanks for helping out I really appreciate it. I have tried millions of combinations now for all the kppp settings in kde and still the same error is coming up:-
"The pppd daemon died unexpectedly"
AFAIR this happens because you have a line in /etc/ppp/options with 'lock'
kppp does its own locking, it used to be OK to have an empty options file.
Regards, Dermot
=== MESSAGE 3 === Subject: Re: [alug] PHP complile probs From: "Dr. Ashley T. Howes PhD" Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:28:44 +0000
At 10:28 03/03/00 +0000, you wrote:
I've just seen this: which takes you through the Apache/PHP/MySQL install process. Good timing that :-)
Thank-you, using the above it now works and I can now start to learn php/mysql. I'm still playing around with compiling php from source and found the argument to compile it as an apache module to be (on my Redhat 6.0 machine):
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs
... And i've just now got the php source code to compile correctly (with mysql, dbase, etc) database support and it's working with Apache. Yippee!
Thanks again for your help.
Dr. Ashley T. Howes PhD Email: Web:
"When all the animals of this world are gone, man will die of loneliness"