OK, now this is possibly one of the strangest requests that you'll ever get... I want virii, basically so that I can test/play with this funky java ScannerDaemon thing that I want to plug in to our server (free virus scanner, yay!). So, all those "really fun" M$ viruses that we all get from time to time, please bounce a copy this way! (works mail server appears to be filtering the main culprits, damn!) so, brettp@users.sourceforge.net is the way to go (I use imap on it from work, given that it redirects to liunuxfreemail.com).
Thanks guys (and gals),
Brett - The totatally insane virus hunting mad fool - Parker
Thanks to all that did, I've now had it sit there and work... just about to bolt it into amavis and see what happens! For anyone intested, the think I'm playing with is available from: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10590
Brett Parker