Install the compat-egcs packages from the RH7.2 CD, and then edit the Makefile replacing CC = gcc with CC = egcs. The other alternative is to grab the 2.95 sources and compile your own gcc.
I did a
$find / | grep egcs
and came up with egcs in /usr/bin and in the /usr/lib/gcc-lib I had a egcs- folder. Does this mean I need not bother with installing the compat-egcs. Would I totally screw things up if I did:
#mv gcc gcc.bak #ln -s gcc egcs #mv g++ g++.bak #ln -s g++ egcs++
so that when I compile other things from source they'll automatically use egcs as well? Or am I trying to be too clever? lol
Hi Ricardo
As allways with linux, there is more than one way of doing things. Making symlinks to egcs is one way - It is what I did on my system originally. Then I compiled gcc-2.95.
Regards, Paul.
On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:06 pm, Ricardo Campos wrote:
$find / | grep egcs
and came up with egcs in /usr/bin and in the /usr/lib/gcc-lib I had a egcs- folder. Does this mean I need not bother with installing the compat-egcs. Would I totally screw things up if I did:
#mv gcc gcc.bak #ln -s gcc egcs #mv g++ g++.bak #ln -s g++ egcs++
so that when I compile other things from source they'll automatically use egcs as well? Or am I trying to be too clever? lol
"Ricardo Campos" writes:
I did a
$find / | grep egcs
You may be "locate egcs" to be a bit faster.