I've finally got the forms to update ALUG's listing on the Norfolk County Council register of interest groups and clubs to correct the small errors. There's a space on the form for a second set of contact details. Who wants to be listed?
Please send me your name, address, telephone, fax (if available) and email address, whether you want to be contacted by Norfolk libraries and whether you want to be contacted by NCC about their other services and activities. Then I'll get your sig when I next see you and send the form in (so in the event of many volunteers, it'll be whoever's going to LUGradio.org live or I can get to see soonest, I guess).
On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 03:38:06PM +0100, Ben Francis wrote:
I have considered it, but Wolverhampton is a bit of an annoying place to get to from here. Although, the travellodge near to lugradio did have cheap rooms when I looked.