Hi All, for anyone who gets security-focus you will have seen this - for others it may be of use. If you're having phun getting your firewalling working or making sure you have a sensible ruleset(s) then this should give you some extra input/fff.
Handy! I think I need to spend an evening sifting through these and the iptables man pages....
Does anyone know of a good way to test a home system? Everything works for me (i.e. I can do everything I could do before), but that doesn't mean that the firewall actually works (i.e. blocking nasty portscanners on the internet)...
I tried the online portscanner at www.grc.com but somehow I don't trust it, as it's targeted at Windows. It did show up my SMTP port as open, and I use my ISP's SMTP server, so I'll have to look at that.....
"There are several codes, and I know several of them." -Mr. Precise. http://www.rscampos.net