<quote> Rekall is a database front-end, it is not itself a database. By this we mean that data is stored somewhere else in an SQL server, and Rekall is fundementaly just a too to extract, display and update that data (of course, it does lots more than that, it does forms and reports and scripting and .... you get the idea). It is database agnostic, and does not have any preferred database in the sense that Access® uses the Jet® database engine (although the Windows version can use the Jet&seg; database engine via an ODBC driver).
Rekall can do lots of the things that you would expect of a database front-end (or if it can't, let us know!). You can design and use forms and reports, you can construct database queries, and you can import and export data (actually, you can copy data, import is just copy file to table, and export is just copy table to file).
Rekall can be scripted using the the Python language. You can arrange that a script is executed when various events occur (for instance, when the user changes the value of a control). Scripts can be associated directly with the event, but you can also store scripts in script modules for more general use. And, of course, you have full access to all the modules that are available for Python. Plus, Rekall has an integrated Python debugger with syntax highlighting </quote>
This is a KDE biased product (based on QT libs) but looks quite nice. http://www.rekallrevealed.org
Keith _________________ "For a nation to love liberty it is only neccessary that they know it, for them to be free it is only necesary that they will it." Lafayette (qv The Rights of Man - Paine)