This is my first post to the group. I hope the question isn't one that is asked all the time. I run a Suse 8.2 on a laptop that is also my only internet connection. I am trying to get my Windows PC to connect to the internet through my Laptop. My IP settings are as follows:
Laptop - - Windows - -
I have tried using the Suse firewall to enable masquerading, but nothing seems to be working. The two machines can see each other.
Many thanks in advance.
On Sunday 07 March 2004 17:20, Bruce Clark wrote:
You need to set the default gateway of the Windows box to, if the masquerading is turned on all should be well then. If not post the output of the following to the group
On the SuSE machine. The last 20 or so lines from /var/log/messages just after you have tried the connection.
and the contents of /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2
On the windows machine, The results of tracert and the results of ipconfig
Regards Wayne
I have a very similar setup, which I got working by following the instructions at http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~dranch/LINUX/ipmasq/c-html/.
On 7 Mar 2004, Bruce Clark wrote: