We have just been infomred that SYS have invited Micorosft to come with their promotional bus to UEA where they are going to show off all their really interesting stuff to unsuscpecting and highly guillable SYSkiddies. Whats the possibility of trying to get someone from the FSF to do a stand in the Hive at the same time? Dates adn dimtes are yet to be confirmed.
My personal favourite would be standing outside the bus wearing Tux t-shirts handing out cds of Linux distros, unless anyone knows of anywhere one could hire a pengiun costume? :)
James Edward John Taylor wrote:
We have just been infomred that SYS have invited Micorosft to come with their promotional bus to UEA where they are going to show off all their really interesting stuff to unsuscpecting and highly guillable SYSkiddies. Whats the possibility of trying to get someone from the FSF to do a stand in the Hive at the same time? Dates adn dimtes are yet to be confirmed.
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Whats the possibility of trying to get someone from the FSF to do a stand in the Hive at the same time?
You probably can't afford FSF's travel costs, but this ex-UEA student and Treasurer of the UK Asssociation for Free Software http://www.affs.org.uk/ would love to get someone from AFFS (either myself or another executive member) to come and talk to SYS students. Who is organising the Microsoft talk? Please email me offlist with the details and I'll approach them.
James Edward John Taylor wrote:
We have just been infomred that SYS have invited Micorosft to come with their promotional bus to UEA where they are going to show off all their really interesting stuff to unsuscpecting and highly guillable SYSkiddies.
hmmm. It was some time since I was in SYS but when I was there it was obvious from the start that there was a bunch of syskids who loved MS and a bunch of syskids who didn't. This split appeared to be similar amongst lecturers and postgrads. I'd like to hope that nowadays with linux more common than it was then that there would be more anti-ms syskids than for MS.
Whether thats the case or not, I'd be very impressed if anything MS could put on would sway someone who's against MS into liking them. Those who already love MS will turn up and get their loving (freebees, sign up as beta testers etc.)
Syskids who currently have no opinion (?) will get the opportinity to make up their own mind as - hopefully - 3 years of SYS courses will give them exposure to several platforms...
Whats the possibility of trying to get someone from the FSF to do a stand in the Hive at the same time?
Heh, that would be cool.... ...but it would be better to do one in SYS too... ;-)
I know a few MS-loving syskids who were converted to linux, didn't notice any going the other way...